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"Sustainability and increased margins complement each other perfectly"

HEPRO's asparagus peeling machine wins the German Design Award

The ultra-compact asparagus peeling machine "spargel to go" from HEPRO GmbH has been awarded the German Design Award Special 2023 for 'Excellent Product Design Retail', an internationally recognised seal for design achievements. "The world's smallest asparagus peeling machine - for self-service and peeling of white and green asparagus - is the emotional boost for every supermarket during the asparagus season," says Christoph Wolter, Managing Director of HEPRO GmbH.

The consumer makes no adjustments to the machine and can rely on a perfect peeling result. The lower third of the green asparagus, which was previously cut off, is peeled and sold instead - sustainability and increased margins complement each other perfectly, he continues.

With the "spargel to go", HEPRO GmbH is expanding the existing to go family for the food retail sector. Wolter: "In addition to the current bestsellers, the "pina to go" pineapple peeler, the "orange to go" orange juicer and the "bigfruit to go" grapefruit and pomegranate juicer, we will be presenting our "spargel to go" live to international trade visitors at Fruit Logistica 2024 in Berlin."

Design quality in the competition
The German Design Award places the highest demands on the selection of its award winners: in a nomination process, expert committees of the German Design Council only invite products and communication design services to participate in the competition that demonstrably stand out from the competition due to their design quality. Since its premiere in 2012, the German Design Award has grown considerably, from around 1,500 submissions to around 4,500 submissions in recent years.

Pictures: HEPRO GmbH

For more information:
Christoph Wolter
Nickelstraße 14
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Tel: +49 5242 57979-23
Fax: +49 5242 57979-623
[email protected]

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