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Sertac Uralkaya of Uralkaya GmbH at the Cologne wholesale market:

"The mood at the wholesale market is very bad, after all, we are all struggling with existential fears"

The family business Uralkaya at the Cologne wholesale market has existed since 1991. As co-managing director Sertac Uralkaya tells us, he too took part in the protest of the Cologne wholesalers in mid-June. "However, nothing has changed at all. How it will look for us in the future is very difficult to assess. The mood at the wholesale market is very bad. After all, everyone here is struggling with existential fears. At least we still have enough employees available."

Restrained demand for salads
The catering supplier currently sources iceberg, lollo rosso, lollo bionda as well as romaine lettuces from the Netherlands. "Demand is very restrained due to the vacations. But even in the first half of the year, business was sluggish overall. The purchasing power of the population seems to have dropped sharply due to the financial situation. On top of that, we had to raise our prices by 15 to 20 percent because higher costs were also coming down on us. This is sometimes difficult for the end customers to cope with," says Uralkaya. He receives about half a truckload of salads per week.

Demand is currently quiet for all products, he said. "Compared to the pandemic years, business tended to be better, but some customers have also fallen away in the wake of Corona. The vacations are over, however, customers have little money left."

Further information:
Sertac Uralkaya
Uralkaya Gemüse & Obst Großhandel
Marktstr. 10
50968 Köln (Großmarkt)
Tel.: +49 163 3597508
E-Mail: [email protected]

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