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Joerg Sonne appointed Senior Managing Director Region North Europe

Joerg Sonne will become Senior Managing Director Region North Europe, succeeding Martin Rolf, who will take over the position of Managing Director Human Resources.

Sonne joined Hapag-Lloyd as a result of the merger with UASC and successfully led Area Arabian Gulf from 2017 to 2022. For the last eight months, he has served as Managing Director Area Germany & Central Europe. He will be based in Hapag-Lloyd’s headquarters in Hamburg.

“In recent years, Joerg has continuously demonstrated his leadership and commercial expertise within Hapag-Lloyd. In him, we have found an excellent leader to keep growing our business in Region North Europe,” said Rolf Habben Jansen, CEO of Hapag-Lloyd.

For more information:
Nils Haupt
Tel.: +49 40 3001- 2263
[email protected]

Tim Seifert
Tel.: +49 40 3001- 2291
[email protected]

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