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Giro Pack announces two new hires

Giro Pack, Inc. has hired Dustin Hall as a Territory Account Manager. Dustin will join Giro’s commercial sales team and help provide outside sales service to Giro’s south eastern partners and clients. Hall has a wide range of experience providing agriculture-based solutions related to packaging supplies and machinery. Prior to joining Giro Pack, he held a Sales Manager position, leading a sales department at Low Country JCB. Dustin brings with him a unique set of technical and sales qualifications to help customers understand and identify economical ways to help grow their existing business. 

“We’re excited to have Dustin on our team”, said Chris Alvarez, Giro’s National Sales Manager. “Dustin has the experience that will allow him to succeed in adding value to our existing and future partners. Most importantly, he exemplifies the kind of drive, attitude, and integrity we want for our clients and our team”.

In the release Hall added, “I am very excited for this opportunity to be a part of a great team, and to help grow and reinforce our commitment to the east coast and local markets”. 

Chad Repass – National Technical Service Manager
Chad Repass is the new National Technical Service Manager of Giro Pack, Inc. Chad was previously at Compac Sorting Equipment as the Regional Service Manager supporting the US West Coast. He joined the U.S. Navy directly out of high school, obtained a degree in Interior Communications and has continued to utilize those skills within the technical service field specializing in automation for the last 23 years. 

Repass said, “Joining Giro Pack, I hope to help create an even more successful Service department by continually gaining our customers’ trust, delighting them with exceptional service visits which in turn helps secure future orders and maintains great working relationships”.

“Chad has exceptional leadership and technical skills and experience. We’re confident he will continue to grow our service departments, which are an important part of our overall solutions,” Francisco Ortin (America & Iberia Sales Director) said in the release.

Cheryl Bond
Giro Pack
Tel: (+1) 404-301-6734
[email protected]



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