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UK carrot market stagnent

Due to the unseasonably warm weather the UK carrot market has been pretty static. "People are just not in the winter mode," says Martin Evans from FreshGro.

"This week is the first really cold week we have had, and now we have 5 inches of snow. The carrots have grown well after the warm summer but demand has just not been there so far."

2014 was the warmest year on record and it was was more of salad year than a winter veg one.

"Usually in January when the weather is cold people tend to go into winter mode and sit down to warm dinners," explains Evans. "Prices are mediocre but do vary in certain areas depending on supply. The situation is bad but not as bad as it is for potatoes."

FreshGro rely totally on their own carrot production, "Last year we started the new crop in June before we'd finished the old crop. I would imagine it might be the same this ear again."

FreshGro recently launched white and purple Chantenay carrots, "They have been a huge hit with Chefs, the food service companies are really being very innovative and have embraced this product. Retail is also very interested but it is a difficult time for them and they won't do anything too radical at the moment," said Evans

The white variety is quite sweet, where as the purple one is not so sweet and tastes more “carrotty”, these new varieties can give chefs a wider taste profile as well as visually impressive dishes.

For more information:
Martin Evans
Tel: +44 1623 870803
Email: [email protected]