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Italy: Romagna Mia, white nectarines ripening in late September

The late window could be interesting for peaches and nectarines, but varieties must be very valid. A perfect one could be white "Romagna Mia" nectarines, which have a red stone that, upon ripening, partly stains the flesh. Harvesting is carried out between 15th and 20th September but fruits can remain on trees for various days.

A crate with 12 Romagna Mia nectarines

We met licencee Daniele Neri in his experimental fields in Faenza (Ravenna). On 25th September 2017, in a year characterised by early ripening and very high temperatures, nectarines are still on the trees. 

Flesh with a red colour starting from the stone

"I recommend waiting before harvesting so the fruit can express its full potential in terms of grade and organoleptic quality. It would be a pity to harvest when fruits are less than 4A in size or with a low Brix level. The market requires high-quality peaches and nectarines in September too, but it's essential not to rush so as to supply produce that is nice to eat."

Loose fruits in crates

We tried freshly-harvested Romagna Mia. The fruit was a 5A while the average was around 4A. On the tree, there were also some smaller AA-AAA fruits. The colour was white and red. Upon cutting it, the flesh did not fall away from the stone and had a blood red colour near the stone. The flavour was traditional, acidic with a good sugar balance.

Nectarines on trees on 25th September 2017

"High-quality is obtained in the fields. It's useless to complain about low prices if fruits are harvested early hoping they will ripen in units when they actually lose water and wilt. While once everything got sold, not only high-quality is well paid."

Daniele Neri harvesting a few Romagna Mia nectarines on 25th September 2017

Modern cultivation techniques must be implemented such as double side-hose, avoiding drips or mini-sprinklers that wet the neck. Marked mulching, suitable pruning and extensive thinning are also needed. Trees are rustic and adapt well to various conditions.

A reasoned managament of orchards is essential to obtain large fruits with good organoleptic qualities

"Having peaches and nectarines in September opens new interesting doors. I believe there's always room on the market for good fruit. It's us producers who no longer grow produce thinking about those who eat it. Prices are high with an interesting gross saleable production. I am available to talk about it to anyone who is interested."

Daniele Neri Vivai Piante
Via Sacramora 15
48018 Faenza (Ravenna) - Italy
Tel./Fax: (+39) 0546 639169
Cell.: (+39) 335/5353085
Email: [email protected]
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