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Cape Town Container Terminal said to exceed reefer volume targets

Transnet Port Terminal (TPT) has announced that the Cape Town Container Terminal (CTCT) surpassed its reefer targets by 62% during February and March, and is 22% above its target for the period from February to April. This achievement was made despite the terminal losing 13 days of operation due to wind and fog in April, leading to a 53% decrease in volumes for that month. TPT Western Cape's acting managing executive, Oscar Borchards, emphasized the importance of meeting volume throughput and customer expectations, including berthing vessels on time and enhancing ship working hours (SWH).

For the current financial year, starting in April, CTCT has revised its quarterly targets for key performance indicators. The SWH goal is set at 26 for the first quarter, with plans to increase it by four each quarter, aiming for a target of 40 by March 2025. As of May, the terminal achieved an SWH of 26, reaching 27 in the past two weeks, indicating progress towards these goals.

To support operations, the terminal increased its internal haulers from 32 to 46 and added two reach stackers and two empty container handlers. Furthermore, an additional ten haulers are expected in June, with 47 more on order, scheduled for delivery in August.


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