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Connecting produce and health:

Product heroes to make an appearance again

This time last year at Orlando's Global Produce and Floral show, Divine Flavor introduced its product hero campaign to the industry, launching the company's first-ever product hero', bell peppers. With the campaign initiative geared towards better informing retailers and consumers alike about the health benefits of its produce items, the company will now introduce its next hero, tomatoes.

"The Product Heroes campaign is a fun and simple way to bring straight-to-the-point health information to buyers and their consumers about our products," says Michael DuPuis, PR manager of Divine Flavor. "Like bell peppers, tomatoes are another core item of our product portfolio, and they boast a wide range of health benefits people should be aware of."

"It's exciting to continue this campaign and provide our retail partners with key information about the health benefits of our products, but all in a creative way," says DuPuis. "Our brand manager, Luis Urbina, and our marketing team do a fantastic job coming up with unique ways to make produce more relatable to our everyday lives, and the Product Heroes campaign is the perfect way to illustrate our point that the fruits and vegetables we grow, and sell are here to protect us as consumers. They are powerfully healthy produce items, and ultimately, this initiative supports our vision of being a supplier of fresh, high-quality produce that contributes to our consumers' health and well-being."

Divine Flavor's Luis Orbina.

New website
In conjunction with its newest addition to the product hero team being shown in Anaheim, Divine Flavor will also be exhibiting its updated website. The company will have portable tablets guests can use while visiting the booth—an intuitive design with easy-to-navigate functions and a user-friendly experience.

"One of the main objectives when designing the website was to infuse as much flavor into the look and feel as possible while being able to interact with the brand," says Luis Urbina.

"We wanted the website to represent what Divine Flavor is all about while allowing users a great experience with faster technology better visuals, and to get our audience what they need in a very clear and playful setting. What better way to launch the visual identity of our brand than to do it at the largest produce show in North America? We're excited for the show, and we're excited to get the first impressions."

Guests who want to learn and see more can visit Divine Flavor at the Global Produce and Floral show taking place October 20th and 21st at the Anaheim, CA convention center—booth# 4381.

For more information:
Michael DuPuis
Divine Flavor
Tel.: 520-281-8328
[email protected]

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