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Dichgans (VOG)

Italy: Brave choices are needed

VOG, the leading Italian apple producer, has ended its 2016/17 harvesting campagin. The volume is practically identical to 2015, +1% to be exact. There are minimal variations for Gala, Golden Delicious registered a 5% increase while Red Delicious registered -5%. The exceptions are: Granny Smith at -11% and Fuji at -22% due to production alternation. "Which is a pity, as Fuji apples are very popular on the market," reports Gerhard Dichgans, Director of VOG. Club apples all did positively, especially Cripps Pink, whose volumes are 12% higher than 2015. 

Gerhard Dichgans, Director of VOG, at Interpoma 2016 in front of the stand dedicated to yello®, the new club variety.

Volumes aside, there is a considerable difference between this campaign and the past one. "This year, quality, colour and shelf-life have improved, so it will be possible to plan the campaign better. For what concerns Gala apples, for example, the commercialisation campaign will be 4/6 weeks longer."

"Sales volumes at the end of November were the same as last year. Unfortunately, prices are only a few cents more expensive and, considering the past couple of years have been rather difficult, we're not happy about that. We are hoping quality will be rewarded during the second half of the campaign."

The club apple recently presented at Interpoma 2016: yello®.

"Apple consumption is slightly improving, but retailers are still using the old special promotion technique, which hasn't been able to invert the trend. This means profit margins are lower and growers cannot cover their production costs. I believe the time has come to make brave decisions and give more room to the new club varieties."

"That is why we are promoting club varieties so much, we want to push consumption and guarantee better margins along the entire chain."

Marlene, i.e. VOG, Gala apples. 

The commercialisation of one of the latest club varieties grown in Alto Adige - envy® - has started. It was launched last year and it is a deep red apple that is very sweet and crunchy. This year, production will exceed 1,000 tons, which is four times the volumes grown last year.

VOG - Consorzio delle Cooperative Ortofrutticole dell'Alto Adige
Email: [email protected]
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