More than 50 producer organizations of alternative crops in the valleys of Monzon and VRAEM, Puno, San Martin, Huanuco, Ucayali, Junin, and Cusco expect to close business for more than S/.30 million during the 2015 Business Roundtable organized by the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA).
The producers will present coffee, cocoa and its derivatives, chocolate, pineapple, banana, and papaya among other products.
Alberto Otarola, CEO of DEVIDA, said that this institution promoted direct contacts between entrepreneurs and producers to generate higher profits.
He added that the producers received technical assistance in their respective areas regarding the importance of partnership, quality control,
and fair marketing of their products.
Some of the organizations from the valley of Monzon in the Business Roundtable include the Pampa Hermosa Association of Coffee Growers and the Agroindustrial and Service Cooperative from Centro Poblado (CAIBELLA), which has just opened a chocolate processing plant.
Some of the organizations from the VRAEM were the Agrarian Coffee Cooperative-CACVRA, the Agricultural Coffee producer Cooperative- EL QUINACHO, the Tropical Ecological Cooperative Kimbiri-CATEK, and the Producer Associations of Pineapple VRAE- Pangoa, Nuevo Progreso Producers VRAE and Organic Coffee Producers -APOCAFE .