According to Mohamed Shah, spokesperson for the company, "Prices in general have been tumbling globally due to the huge produce, although the situation in the Gulf region is also very slow because now it is the winter season and sales won’t pick up for another 2-3 months.”

Despite this difficult context and the fact that prices are generally subject to fluctuations, Shah assures that GFS has not been excessively affected, as due to the good rapport with their buyers, with whom they maintain a long-lasting relationship. GFS agrees on fixed prices for each and every transaction.
It is worth nothing that while the firm ships about 300 containers per annum to Iran, and about 100 containers per year to Dubai, a market where it faces plenty of competition, India as a whole doesn’t have a long tradition as a banana exporter.

“India is the world leader in terms of production, but 80% of the bananas are consumed locally. Consequently, the Philippines have been exporting to the Middle East for much longer than we have. We have only been present there for the past 10 years, but the bananas from both origins are very similar in terms of quality and taste, with Indian bananas standing out also when it comes to the quality of the packaging.”
Apart from the Cavendish, India grows many other types of bananas, and for GFS, based in a region with ideal weather conditions, this is a year-round process. To face the challenges to come in 2016, mainly the low prices and the growing global production. "Our main strategy will be to continue striving to offer the highest quality and thereby obtain the best possible margins.”

Mohamed Shah
Global Food Supplier, Chennai / India
Tel / fax: 91-44-42177767
Mob: 91-9381811313
Email: [email protected]