The firm, which had been exporting citrus to various countries for 30 years, has been limited to importing since 2010, after a brief period between 2006 and 2010 in which we still exported strawberries. These imports, according to Amer Amro, arrive to the company’s own storage facilities, from which they supply to big retailers and companies in the catering sector,” offering a wide range of products.

The company’s major product is currently apples, which are offered all year-round and imported mainly from Italy and the U.S. He describes Jordan’s market as a conservative one, “We are focused on a limited number of varieties. For apples, for example, we only import few varieties such as Granny Smith and Gala. This year we imported nearly 2,000 tonnes, compared to 2,500 tonnes last year.”
Other important products are citrus like lemons; pears, pineapple, coconuts and kiwis. All in all, he explains that such activities rely mostly on the granting of permits by the government, since imports are not allowed while there is local production. In the case of citrus, for example, imports this year won’t be allowed until February.
When it comes to prices, Amer Amro states that, even though they are still waiting for definitive data, he is certain that “they are a little higher than last year, which, in general, was much more profitable.” This, in any case, does not change the firm’s commitment to offer consistent quality and sizes to its clients.
For more information:
Abd El Rahman Amer Amro
Amer Amro and Co.
Tel: 00962-641-20427
Mob: 00962-788-2666-66 / 00962-785-246666