To keep pace with changing technologies and consumer trends, the Commission redesigned the consumer website and unveiled it In March 2015. The new website automatically scales the view based on the type of device a visitor is using, be it a mobile device, tablet or computer. And content — ranging from recipes to nutrition information and avocado preparation tips — can be easily shared on any social media platform. In order to help users more easily locate content, the search capability was optimized to provide more precise and accurate searching.
New software allows the Commission to customize content to specific types of users and test new website functionality to determine how well it resonates with our targeted audience. The new website also hosts a variety of ready-to-use technologies that allow the Commission to utilize and more quickly implement the latest plugins and fixes.
As a result, the site is more visually appealing and content is easier to find and share on social media channels. Fans have responded positively to the changes:
- 82 percent increase in traffic (overall visits)
- 92 percent increase in unique visits
- 43 percent increase in page views
- 209 percent increase in blog page views
- 31 percent increase in time spent on blog site
- 19 percent decrease in bounces (i.e., fewer people leaving the site after viewing only one page)
Visit for more information.