Unloading cabbage in the past
Besides the many applications, cabbage is growing out of the image of a winter vegetable: "Thanks to the recipes of 'Libelle' magazine for instance, sauerkraut is appearing more often as an alternative to grease on the barbecue." Despite these developments the sales still profit from a cold winter: "When the temperatures drop, the sales start."
Lively trade
Sauerkraut's base is cabbage and as far as that's concerned Gerrie speaks of a special season with quite high prices: "In August we had a new harvest of cabbage that went to the United Kingdom for 55 cents per kilo. "The smaller cabbages of around 2 kg won't become 6 kilos". Then France and Poland entered the market. Due to the dry summer and the dry spring the cabbage was small. The necessary rain came at the end of August and was so abundant that a lot of cabbage had its roots in water. Partially due to this we have just enough cabbage to meet our sauerkraut obligations. The loose white cabbage is hovering around 20 cents per kilo in a lively market."