"The price of Spanish Oronules clementines has dropped from €1.30-1.50/kg to €1.20 as expected, whereas the smaller grades destined to Eastern Europe are sold at 70-80 cents". This was caused by the arrival on the market of the first clementines from Calabria, although quality is still not excellent.
The Verona wholesale market (Archive photo)
"Taste and colour is not perfect yet, and they are not easy to sell, with prices hovering between 50 cents and €1.20/kg. This is normal though, as it is the first fruit of the season, which is one week behind schedule in the South."
The Spanish season is 15/20 days ahead, so fruit has a better colour at the moment. What is more, Spain is the leading citrus fruit producer, with a calendar going from September to May.
"Sales will be difficult in the next few days, but the situation will improve, although we would need lower night-time temperatures to improve the colour."
The same goes for oranges: colour is still not very good though, in this case, the Spanish season is only one week ahead.
Author: Andrea Minghelli
Copyright: www.freshplaza.it