AU: “Local” success summer fruit growers
“Bombowlee” orchardists Linda and Mark Jolly.
Fruit is selectively picked at its peak maturity and is on the Woolworths’ shelves within 24 hours. This means fruit spends more time on the trees to develop the best flavour, sweetness and juiciness.
The farming families involved are again marketing under their exclusive brand “Bombowlee - local fruit for local families”. The orchards have been known for their premium, early season peaches and nectarines since the 1930s, and supplying Woolworths for over 50 years.
“The response by local consumers to our tree-ripened program over the last two seasons with Woolworths has been outstanding”, says Mark Jolly of Jolly Family Orchards. “The on-going support by Woolworths is making this year an even better program for both consumers and growers”.
“Although Woolworths has around 900 stores nationally, they have demonstrated the flexibility to link with local growers to market to local families through their local stores. As a result, our growers, consumers and Woolworths all benefit”, Mr Jolly observed.
“Bombowlee” is a local brand that allows us to pool our fruit, says Ray Christie of Christie Orchards. Most importantly it allows us to provide consistent quality and eating experiences to local consumers. We also take special care to protect our fruit from harvest to consumers, because it is tree-ripened and ready to eat, he observes.
In a new initiative this year, orchard videos have been produced, highlighting the production of peaches and nectarines on Sydney’s outskirts. To take a virtual orchard tour, simply click on the QR Code below.
For more information:
Scott Dunk
N&A Fruit Distributors
Email: [email protected]