For VI.P, the Spanish market represents a 7-8% share of its business, but there is great potential to grow. "We have been growing 10% each year in the Iberian peninsula. We are aiming and widening our range on the strategic markets with the Stark, Kanzi, Ambrosia and Envy varieties," added sales manager Fabio Zanesco (above right).
50% of the apple production is destined to the domestic market, while the rest is shipped to Germany (11%), Scandinavia and Spain (7-8%), Eastern Europe and extra-European countries (15%). Most of the apples are of the Golden Delicious variety, followed by two-thirds of their own brand and 15-20% of Red Delicious, Kanzi, Gala and Pinova.
"This year, grades are quite big, but there is no damage caused by the high summer temperatures. In Poland, for example, the dry conditions led to a scarce production of small apples. Estimates will be revised in November though."
In addition to the second edition of the Golden Gold prize, this edition also saw the introduction of the Biography Project.
"We have come up with something new for the organic produce. A smaller carton with a lid and a label with all the useful information as well as the name of the producer. On, you can look for the producer and find out about his own personal story."
140 producers have taken part so far and the website is available in five languages. "Our aim is not only to sell produce but also to keep final consumers informed, so they have a different perception of what they are buying. We are serious about our organic production."
"We are the first organic producers in Europe with 27,000 tonnes - 22,500 of which are apples for fresh consumption. In Spain, the organic sector is growing. So far, the main destination markets for the organic products have been Italy, Germany and Scandinavia."
VI.P Coop Soc. Agricola
Via Centrale 1/c
39021 Laces (BZ)