France: Greenpeace accuses Leclerc of pesticide-use on produce

US: Albertsons expects strong 2Q comps, $9M loss

UK: Woolworths to replace frequent flyer loyalty scheme with food bill discounts

US: A&P puts brand, data on the block

Auchan expanding drive in Luxembourg

Auchan plans for 20 stores in Senegal
Auchan has ambitious plans for Senegal, investing CFA6-7bn (USD10-11m) from 2015 - 2020 to open around 20 stores. Its local partner, Sénégal Atac Supermarchés, will develop a modern retail network with outlets stocking both local and French products. (igd.com)
Sainsbury's tests 'microstores' for busy shoppers

Budget supermarket chain Aldi has decided to raise the minimum wage for all of its U.K. employees above the new national minimum wage announced by the government, following the footsteps of rival Lidl and WM Morrison Supermarkets. (marketwatch.com)
UK: Marc Bolland tells Marks & Spencer board he's staying put

Serbia’s DIS seeks growth with new Formats & Products

Serbian retail chain DIS is betting on two market formats and the introduction of quality products to boost growth after a disappointing 2014. Please, click here to read more at esmmagazine.com.
Groupe Auchan to become 'Auchan Holding'

Metcash targets China sales boost

EU grocery price wars continue to keep prices down

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