Polish company explores more markets for apples
The firm offers only Polish apple varieties, such as Idared, Gloster or Gala, and works with supermarkets in various European countries, like Scandinavia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. In terms of volume, Prima 2000 delivers about 400 or 500 trucks per month, each carrying up to 20 tonnes.
In the company’s search for new markets, Prima 2000’s apples have actually found their way to Romania and other European countries, chosen not just because they are not too far, but also because there are many supermarkets and demand is increasing.
Furthermore, these markets have similar requirements. The only issue is that they require low prices.
When it comes to quality, Ms Sopel states that the season has only just started, so it is still too early to say, but what is clear is that while the weather has not been ideal, which may have an impact on quality, it is still better than expected.
For more information:
Anna Sopel
Prima 2000
E-mail: [email protected]