In France, there is a slight decrease in cultivated areas. The fruit is destined mainly to the domestic market, although around 20,000 tons are sent to Belgium, Spain, Taiwan and Germany.
Production in Portugal was limited due to the effects of the PSA and fungal diseases. Nonetheless, there is potential to grow, so much so that, in the next three years, we could witness an increase in production up to 40,000 tons. Exports are around 12,200 tons, mainly destined to Spain.
Kiwi orchards in Spain cover almost 1,000 hectares, with a slight growth expected in the near future. Most of the production is destined to the domestic market, only very little produce is exported. Spain continues to be one of the main importers at a European level.
We would like to point out that, so far, Greece seems to be the country less affected by bacteriosis. Its inclination towards exports transformed it into one of the main players at a global level.
According to Eurostat data, Greece exported on average around 90,000 tons of kiwis a year over the past five campaigns. Most of them were destined to Eastern Europe - Russia and Ukraine in particular - but, after the introduction of the Russian ban, it started shipping to Spain, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Italy, Benelux and UK. Outside the EU, the fruit is shipped to Serbia, China, Saudi Arabia and North America.
In the US, kiwis are cultivated almost exclusively in California. Almost all of the orchards are of the Hayward variety. Over 80% of the produce is destined to the domestic market and exports are destined to Mexico, Canada, Taiwan and Japan.
During the 2015/16 campaign, the northern hemisphere is expected to produce 799,000 tons, i.e. 9% more than the previous year.
Kiwi production in the northern hemisphere
Source: IKO
As regards the southern hemisphere, in Chile, after last year's problems with freezes, it seems that export will go back to normal with a 70% increase in volume (although still 20% lower than 2013).
In New Zealand, golden kiwis are becoming increasingly popular. In 2015, production reached 414,000 tons compared to the 320,000 tons of the previous year.
The full report is available on the CSO website (via subscription).
Source: CSO for FreshPlaza