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Agronomia Food GmbH expands to new markets

Italian salad provider causes stir on German market

The Italian company Agronomia plans to achieve sales of up to 20 million Euro by the end of 2016. Announced Mario Ebel, Sales Director for Germany, Austria and Switzerland of the Agronomia Food GmbH. The current business activities focus on the new production facility in Germany, which was recently completed for 4.5 million Euro in Munich. In addition, Agronomia has teamed up with Gebrüder Bagusat GmbH & Co. KG, a German company. They have founded a joint venture for the marketing of fruit convenience products.

Mario Ebel, Sales Director for Germany, Austria and Switzerland of the Agronomia Food GmbH

Production line finalized in Munich
Mario Ebel said: “We are proud to announce that, the second production line for “Fresh-cut-bags” has been finalized in our new facility in Munich this week. Altogether, our new factory in Munich has four production lines. Two lines for salad bowls and two lines for bags. Those capital expenditures into the new production facility were possible through the initial public offering of Agronomia S.p.A., the holding company of the Agronomia Food GmbH. Since then, the Italian company has invested heavily. They have established themselves in the German market.

Attractive prices affect the German market
“The overall situation in Germany? We had no movement on the Convenience-market and -sector in Germany. The market has been dominated by the well-known players so far”, Mario Ebel reports, “But now an Italian company has come with a new concept, investments and is causing a great stir on the market. We are the only competitor with our own grown produce throughout the whole year. The produce we process is coming from our own cultivations from Apulia in southern Italy. This guarantees a 100 percent traceability because we are the owner of the processed commodity. Our price calculation is extremely attractive for the private label business and for retailers, especially hard-discount. Our prices are affecting the German market and our competitors.“

New marketing campaign begins in 2016
Agronomia wants to market the local production of their Bavarian branch under the direction of sales manager Mario Ebel at the beginning of 2016: “We will start our campaign early 2016 with the sowing of the local production close to our new facility. With focus on iceberg, rucola, endive and corn salad.” The produce from Agronomia is QS-certified. “We provide our customers with an all-over and self-contained QS-system”, Mario Ebel says, “Completely from raw materials to the finished product. Our cultivation, our processing and our logistics is QS certified and tested.”

Various audit successfully completed
Currently Agronomia supplies large and small German supermarket chains and discounters with their products. Among others, they supply ALDI Nord, Edeka, REWE, Karstadt, Coop and from the 15th March 2015 the Allgäuer V-markets. “The private label “excellent" from the department store chain Karstadt is supplied by us with 19 articles,” Ebel announce proudly, “In addition Agronomia Food GmbH was able to complete various audits of existing and potential new customers successfully during the last few weeks. Now we have to develop our cooperation.”

Well equipped for the future
For the future, the company from southern Italy plans, a new production facility in North Germany. It is planing to build the facility in 2016. Additionally, from 1st March 2015, Mario Ebel will be assisted by a new national key account manager for food service. The current quadripartite product range of Agronomia includes “Flow Pack” salad trays in three different types of packaging. Secondly a large “fresh cut” range of high quality and innovative “baby leave” culture, monoculture and standard salad. Thirdly, unwashed picked salad in a bowl (125g-150g) with flow pack and last but not least, created out of the joint venture with BAGUSAT, a high-quality and innovative convenience fruit assortment. However, it is clear that the range will be expanded. Ebel says: “We are currently working on a new concept for the marketing of Italian fruit and vegetables for the German market. We have contacts with farmers and producers in southern Italy. We would like to use our contacts for this purpose.”

Mario Ebel
Vertriebsdirektor D-A-CH
Agronomia Food GmbH
Dorfstraße 15, 85445 Aufkirchen
Tel: +49 (0)15234195461
[email protected]