“Demand is good and prices are good,” said Avi Dagul of Field Produce Marketing in Israel. “The Medjool date is a very good item that brings a very good income to the grower.” Total production for Israel is expected to be about 23,000 tons, while the total amount of trees in Israel is about 400,000.

Field Produce Marketing is expecting a growth of about 15%, comparing to last year. Though the company is not one of the biggest growers in Israel, its two packing houses ship enough dates throughout Europe to make it one of the top three exporters in the country. This year, exports have been good.
“There was very tough competition last year, and prices went down because of that on a few occasions,” said Dagul. “But you don't see that this year. There is always competition, but this year there was enough demand that there was enough of a market for everyone.” Dagul attributes strong demand to the appeal of Medjool dates, which he says are nutritious and a good way to start the day. Interest for the item is so great that he's increased his program for next season to 2,500 tons, in order to accommodate future demand.

“Around the world, there are about 35,000 tons of dates available for export,” said Dagul. “That's a small quantity for the demand there is, so I see a good future for Medjool dates.”
For more information:
Avi Dagul
Tel: +972-4-8522749
Fax: +972-4-8525364
[email protected]