"At the moment, demand for Crimson and the other seedless varieties is strong from Anglo-Saxon countries, and the UK in particular. The fact that there is less produce available means the campaign will end 20 days early."
"The lack of produce means operators no longer need to push special offers. Supplies are regular so there is no need to export to poorer countries to finish off the excess."
"Our seedless grapes are doing very well in Germany, Austria and UK -where we mainly sell to retailers - this includes wholesalers in Belgium, Netherlands and France. We now ship to Spain and demand is also good in Italy."
The Russian question
"The ban had a strong psychological impact but actually the fresh produce market is a communicating vessel system: the countries now supplying Russia have freed up other markets for us."
Giuliano Puglia Fruit
SP 65 km 4,8
70010 Turi (BA)
Tel.: (+39) 080 4771540
Fax: (+39) 080 4771524
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.giulianopugliafruit.it