Founded 36 years ago as a family business, Huercasa soon chose the path of innovation in vegetables such as endive and processed products like cooked and peeled beets and especially its flagship creation, boiled and vacuum packed corn on the cob; a product which has taken more than 65% of the market share, both domestically and in Europe.
Precisely at this time, the sweet corn harvest season is coming to an end, which has developed "in an orderly manner, without major surprises," according to Carlos Olmos, CEO of Huercasa. "This year the weather has been slightly colder than desired, but it has not really had a negative direct effect on the crop," he explains.
Huercasa sales in 2014 have consolidated the positive trend set in 2013, still showing growth capacity with the opening of new markets. So much so that "this year we have planned a 40% increase in the acreage compared to last year's," said Carlos Olmos, who adds that "with this increase we seek, as always, to guarantee supply to our customers during the spring and to continue boasting our high quality products and service."
With regard to exports to Russia, the veto is not a problem for now, as it doesn't affect processed products. "Although initially there was some misinformation, normality has eventually been maintained," he states.
New processed products to be presented at Fruit Attraction
This year, Huercasa will use Fruit Attraction as stage for the presentation of its new range of processed legumes, "Sabor, sabor" ("Taste, taste"), which includes chickpeas, lentils and red beans.
"These new products retain all the flavour and aroma of freshly cooked legumes and are kept in cold storage to ensure better organoleptic properties," explains Carlos. "They are excellent in combination with processed vegetables and salads, providing added value to the fruit and vegetables section in stores," he affirms.
Huercasa's stand at Fruit Attraction will be easily recognisable. "For many years, we have associated our image to a little yellow house, representing life in the countryside and rural areas, and we add rural garments and hats to the mix," points out Olmos. "This year we will also have a real WEBER Barbecue, which will help us strengthen the connection between our flagship product, corn on the cob, with BBQ's, and we will offer continuous tastings of barbecued corn on the cob."
Manuel Moracho and Carlos Olmos Marinero, at their stand of last year's Fruit Attraction 2013, in Madrid.
You can visit Huercasa at Fruit Attraction in Hall 9, stand 9F08.
Contact information:
Carlos Olmos Marinero
Las Lagunas de Sanchomunño (HUERCASA)
C/ Lavaderos s/n Sanchomuño. Segovia. Spain
T: + 34 921160006
[email protected]