Between January and October 2012, avocado shipments from Peru totaled USD 147.8 million, which represented a decrease of 10% in relation to the total obtained in 2011 (USD 163.3 million), although the monthly average this year increased 9% (USD 14.7 million) from the previous period (USD 13.6 million).
According to specialized portal, Agrodataperu, using customs figures, the average price of the crop - in this period - went from USD 2.09 per kilogram in 2011 to USD 1.78/kilo in 2012.
Among the 22 countries that acquire Peruvian avocado, stand out imports from Holland, who in the past 2 years has doubled their purchases to USD 62.9 million (43% of the total), followed by Spain with USD 35.9 million (24%) and the United States has gone from buying USD 774,000 in 2010 to USD 0.3 million in 2012.
Regarding the 98 exporting companies, the Fruit Producers Consortium ranks as the first in the list with sales of USD 22.9 million (15% of total), followed by Camposol (USD 20.2 million - 14%) and Agroindustrias Solcase (Usd 11.0 million - 7%).