"We can also supply other products, such as dates, pomegranate, persimmons, sharonfruit and papaya," continues the importer. "We can also import tailor-made, to customer needs, specific products such as organic vegetables, Sweetbite and RAF tomatoes, lettuce mixes and fresh herbs. We won't import these unless there is a demand for them, so that the product can be sold fresh and meets the customer wishes."
Global Fresh Trade is located in Vleuten. Besides Jan Willem, the team consists of Gerard Wolfs and Jose Schimdt-Villalon.
For more information:
Jan Willem Tolhoek
Global Fresh Trade International BV
Tel: + 31 (0)30 2985000
Fax: + 31 (0)30 2985009
Mob: + 31 (0)615469611
[email protected]