NovaMela Partners
NovaMela's company structure is made up of 5 partners who are all leading companies in the production and sale of apples and/or other fruit, based in 3 different major fruit growing areas.
These are:
- two Consortia from South Tyrol's Province of Bolzano, namely VOG, based in Terlano, and VI.P, based in Laces;
- two from Trentino's Province of Trent, namely Melinda, based in Cles, and La Trentina, based in Trent;
- and the fifth partner is from Piedmont, the public company "Rivoira Giovanni e Figli", from Verzuolo, in the province of Cuneo.
The role of President of NovaMela has been assumed by Michele Odorizzi, president of the Melinda Consortium, while Georg Kössler, president of the VOG Consortium, assumes the vice-presidency.
NovaMela's Goals
NovaMela's principal objective is to improve conditions for the fruit-growing companies run by members of the various participating Consortia, through:
- overseeing, on behalf of its members, the phases of research, development and promotion of new apple varieties;
- buying rights to cultivate and sell promising new apple varieties.
Between them, the partners in NovaMela account for:
- 12,000 associated or conferring fruit-growing enterprises;
- 25,000 hectares of apple orchards in the best apple growing regions of Northern Italy;
- 1,200,000 tons of apples harvested per year;
- 40 highly technological centers for storing, selecting, packaging and shipping apples;
- a consolidated commercial presence in over 50 countries spread across 5 continents.
- in total compliance with current legislation, all activities and future partnerships launched by NovaMela will involve only new apple varieties obtained through classic breeding programs;
- NovaMela's goals are aligned with not only the goals of its member Organizations, but also with those of the South Tyrol SK Consortium (Bolzano Province) and the C.I.F. Consortium (Trento Province), as well as the research and experimentation centers of Laimburg (Bolzano), the E. Mach Foundation (Trento) and the CReSO (Cuneo). NovaMela will closely collaborate with all these bodies, in order to optimize invested resources and maximize benefits for the individual fruit-growing enterprises behind its component groups.
NovaMela's first results
NovaMela has been designated by its constituent members as a shared platform for handling all projects relating to the development and future market introduction of specific apple varieties which – as well as various other differing innovative characteristics – share the common factor of featuring fruit pulp with red or reddish coloring.
On the strength of this designation, NovaMela has already become an investing partner in IFORED s.a.s.
This company, based in the French city of Angers, is comprised of 12 international partners – from 11 different countries and 4 different continents – including some of the world's outstanding companies in terms of growing and selling apples, and by IFO.
The aim of IFORED s.a.s. is to handle the development and marketing of the new red pulp apple varieties belonging to the IFO group. All these varieties feature various extremely interesting qualities as well as their red pulp, and will eventually be sold by the companies participating in IFORED s.a.s.
NovaMela's next moves
In the context of the specific activities for which it was created, the NovaMela Consortium is actively engaged in negotiations for the purchase of other new apple varieties.
For more information:
NovaMela Consortium
[email protected]
Lorenzo Minin - Press Office, Novamela Consortium c/o Fruitecom
Tel: +39 059-7863893 Email: [email protected]
Giorgia Marchetti - Press Office, Novamela Consortium c/o Fruitecom
Tel: +39 059-7863894 Email: [email protected]