Melon production is best when the soil rich is in organic matter, deep, soft, well-drained, with good aeration and PH between six and seven points.
The average harvested area of this fruit in the Laguna's Region, Mexico, represents about 20% of the nation`s surface and constitutes the main melon region of the country.
The National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP), through its Experimental Field the laguna, is developing techniques and methodology to produce cantaloupe (Chinese) or hybrid in the Laguna's Region with excellent results.
Institute researchers say the ideal temperature for ensuring good fruit development varies in a range 18°C to 30°C, with maximun temperatures of 32°C and minimum of 10°C; melons can be grown from sea level up to 350 thousand meters.
The periods for Planting are very important in the area for a better development of the product. It is recommended to cultivate from the 15th of March to the 15th of April. In the municipalities of San Pedro, Coahuila, and Tlahualilo, Durango, cultivation begins on the second half of the month of March and and the first of April.
However, in the municipality of Ceballos, Durango, it starts later, ranging from May to June. This is possible thanks to INIFAP`s methodologies and applications.
Source: Sagarpa