"Spain: First cherry "del Jerte" reaches the United Kingdom"
The varieties being harvested now are "Ambrunés" and "Pico Limón Negro" leaving the national markets for a good price in the international markets, according to Ángel Prieto's declarations to Europa Press.
A good production is expected in the campaign, as until now 10 million kilos were collected and sold. Quality is quite good and prices keep fluctuating, since they started low, recovered and went down again due to excessive offer.
Among the main international markets for these cherries is the United Kingdom, that considers Picota "not a cherry, but another product" thanks to the promotion made over the last 10 years.
The challenge for the present campaign is promotion and acceptance of this product in Russia, where a promotion is going to be made, along with Extremadura Avante. The first boxes of Picota del Valle del Jerte are just about to arrive.
Source: Lavanguardia