New film with photo-catalytic activity tested in a melon field in Italy
Three of the four greenhouses were covered with this film, containing different concentrations of a new and "revolutionary" Katalite additive (international patent PCT/IT2011/000415), which adds "Photo-catalytic Effect" features within the protected area and outer surface of the film. The fourth greenhouse (the control one) was covered with the plastic sheet without the Katalite additive .
Already in the first days following the covering, significant effects were noted on both the moisture on the inner surface of the film and in the protected environment: a progressive increase has been widely confirmed in absolute and relative humidity directly proportional to the presence of the Katalite additive.
On the film containing 2% of active principle Katalite covering the first tunnel, drops of moisture were virtually absent and the film appeared dry to the touch; the second one - with a 1% Katalite - and the third one - with 1% of Katalite and with the addition of a surfactant Drip that has significantly changed the predominant effect of condensation on Katalite - moisture was lower; then in the fourth tunnel - without Katalite - the typical condensation was noticed which, as in all films especially the "thermic" ones, falls as rain inside the greenhouses.
The photo-catalytic Katalite additive determines hyper-hydrophilic conditions in the film, as well as additional oxide-reductive reactions that take advantage of the water molecule. Such photo-chemical reactions cause a general humidity decrease in the greenhouses. This phenomenon could be subjected to some interesting and detailed analyses that could definitively explain the processes of reduction of the moisture which is - together to the high temperatures occurring during the cultivation process - the main cause of pathogens development, against which expensive chemical treatments and harmful pesticides are required, generating production losses and higher costs for growers.
In fact, after the first spring rains, the combination of temperature and humidity inside the melon greenhouse sparked the proliferation of a parasite called Didymella sp. (Didimella). This is a well-known pathogenic fungus extremely aggressive and difficult to fight, also because of the lack of specific products. Among the few registered active formulations is to be cited: Azoxystrobin and other products based on chlorine in high concentration, which is extremely toxic to humans, plants and highly contaminant for the plastic films themselves.
Didimella parasite's propagation is fast, especially when greenhouses are connected each other, as in the test situation. The results of the counts of the pathogen on the same melon variety grown and transplanted the same day in all the greenhouses were as follows:
A. Katalite (4-2) 70 084 4% + 2% Katalite: N. 4 plants slightly attacked by the pathogen on 70 plants in the greenhouse.
B. Katalite (2-1) 2% 70 084 + 1% Katalite: N. 6 plants slightly attacked by the pathogen on 70 plants in the greenhouse.
C. Katalite (2-1 Antifog 60,157 +) 2% + 1% + AF Katalite 60157: N. 9 out of 70 plants attacked plants in the greenhouse.
D. Base Formula 88% 14% + 12% EVA copolymer: N. 21 of 70 plants attacked plants in the greenhouse.
F. Adjacent greenhouses covered with Coextruded Long Life film with already more than 3 years life, on average 23 plants in each of 70 attached greenhouse.
It is to recall that the greenhouses are communicating, and then all the significant difference of the development of the pathogen can only be due to a direct interactive effect of the light radiation of the film.
Following a control from some experts the presence of this pathogen has been confirmed in seedlings from the nursery provider. All the transplanted seedlings were already contaminated at the time of planting in greenhouses and the numbers of dead or diseased plants in the different films show a statistically significant "healing" effect of the film with Katalite without anti-Drip treatment, since the interaction between the Photo-catalytic effect on both the condensate and the incoming solar radiation incoming has an effect of regression directly generated on the activity of the pathogen.
Other interesting though empirical aspects, which are worthy of note and further investigation about the effect of Katalite are:
Light: a difference in light "perceptible" from the light inside the Katalite and other films: the environment inside the greenhouses with Katalite makes it much more livable for operators and by plants.
Temperature: a small but important contribution from Katalite is that the "greenhouse effect" of the film is boosted, contributing from an agronomic point of view during the night, while during the day showed a capacity to generate a very interesting "scattering" light effect (refraction-scattering), never previously recorded on other films or additives.
Ultimately, the first important considerations from using a film with Katalite are the following:
Production: only benefits can occur during the cultivation: the presence of Katalite in the film cannot generate any negative aspect on the products. The effect of "healing" noted on plants have generated plenty of other positive aspects in the production: the increase in production (fewer diseased plants = more quantity harvested), the increase in the quality of the fruit (no chemical treatment undesirably affects the taste and health of the product), increase in profits (less or no chemical treatments = less costs + better quality = more revenue).
Environment: the item in Katalite acts directly in the demolition of toxic substances in the protected environment, while rendering unnecessary treatments which are harmful to both the production environment in which we live and work.
Conclusion: the above is the result of the first tests performed using and carefully observing the effects of chemical-based Nano-photo-catalytic effect with non-toxic molecules in a plastic film for greenhouses covering. This technology is already used with great success in other areas (eg. construction, hospitals, water purification, roads, etc. see: Photo-catalysis) especially where a continuous and effective disinfection of the environment is required. Well for the first time was introduced in a plastic film.
Now we must continue to find new answers and determine exactly what will be the best conditions, in view of the fact that the cost/results ratio is extremely low and with the help of all who believe in finding new solutions enabling everyone to live a more healthy, more productive and cheaper life.
Further info:
Chiara Pastore
Ultrabatch srl
Via Botticelli, snc
20022 Castano Primo (MI) - Italy
Mob.: (+39) 346 5119085