Spain: Early cherry production drops 30% due to rain
An important loss that becomes serious if we account for the fact that the burlat variety is not the majority in Bierzo, but it brings better income to producers.
Producers sell early cherry by 1 Euro on average.
By being the first harvested in the year, it comes with an added value. There's enough product and demand, so it's a good sale", explained Canedo, estimating that a kilo of it might reach 1 Euro, while the French cherry - the one with longest selling period - it's sold by 0,50 Euro. Burlat goes directly to the markets, while the French one is sold, almost completely, to factories.
Despite no organization to support the cherry production, like other fruits (pears or grapes), the area counts on a important number of producers united around Bierzo Central. Farmers from Cacabelos, Corullón, Villafranca, Rimor or Magaz already felt the consequences of last month's weather on their harvests.
Source: Diario de León