AU: Better growing conditions and new industry quality standards
According to CEO of Citrus Australia, Judith Damiani, better growing conditions this season have really allowed mandarins to shine.
"Aussie mandarins are sweet, easy to peel and convenient, high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C, making them the perfect and delicious health snack at school, home or work during the winter months," she said.
Ms Damiani said the adoption of new quality assurance standards for the industry also meant this year consumers could look forward to more consistent eating fruit.
"The industry has really come on board with the new standards and we think consumers will definitely see the difference," she said.
"With the season now underway, we’re urging those shoppers who haven’t had Australian Mandarins on their list to think again."
Ms Damiani said that with at least ten different varieties hitting the shelves over the course of the season, consumers have a chance to sample a wide variety of fruit, each with their unique characteristics.
"It’s fair to say that not all 'mandies' are the same!" she said.
Last year, Australians consumed more than 70,000 tonnes of Aussie mandarins during the season, which was grown on more than 2.3 million Australian citrus trees right across the nation.
The Aussie mandarin season runs from April through to October.
For more information:
Leigh McClusky
Tel: +61 (08) 8272 3000
or visit