"Inflation in Argentina is between 23 and 26%, whilst in Chile this is 5%. Especially in Argentina the cost of labour and transport are much higher. That pushes up the price quite a bit and as a result not everybody wants to import," Rob concludes. Nevertheless the demand for top fruit from overseas is reasonably good. The prices of the first Royal Gala and Granny's vary between 18.50 and 21 Euro per carton of 18 kgs.
"Also the hail in Argentina has caused a decrease in volumes and because of the cheap dollar far more is sold on the local market and to surrounding countries, than choosing the more expensive solution of exporting overseas" Rob concludes.
Rob van den Hout
Frukar B.V.
ZHZ 61,Handelscentrum
2991 LD Barendrecht
Tel. 0180 654858
Tel. direct 0180 646534