De Schouwer have exported Belgian vegetables (and some fruit) to 25 countries all around the world since 1927. They are known for their main product chicory, but other vegetables are also traded. De Schouwer says that in Belgium more and more regulations for export are put up by various official bodies. This is about extra paper work, audits. external controls and most importantly a lot of extra expense. It takes more and more time to put one's affairs in order and to be ready with everything in time. In the long run this will keep you more busy than your core business: selling. Especially for smaller companies this may well be discouraging"
Griet de Schouwer
De Schouwer
395, Verdunstraat
1130 Brussels - Belgium
tel:+32 (0)2 215 25 76
fax:+32 (0)2 241 85 60