In that sense, the specialist says that even if some cultivations like organic banana and milk production could take the change, because they're of daily production, other products like grape, avocado and mango would be seriously affected.
He also said that it's tormenting to see monthly proposals that pretend to destabilize a sector that is growing 30% per year, while there are other ways to benefit the field worker (referring to bonds on good campaigning, health insurance against risks, among others), "but there are people confirming that the objective is to impose working rules that would bring unsustainable production costs and would paralyse agro-exports".
Regarding the law proposal to limit land possession, Cillóniz asked the Congressional Agriculture Commission to put all the cards on the table, "we can't keep on playing with the country's development. Some talk about 10,000 hectares per company, others talk about 15,000 and there are people defending 25,000 - let's be clear, so the agricultural businessmen can make their long term planning".
Even so, the parliamentarian expressed that "these reforms don't put agro-exports at risk as the essential rules, referring to seasonality, don't change, as the only thing they're looking for is that an agricultural worker gets paid the same as any other Peruvian. Meaning, a minimum vital payment to be added with CTS and 30 days vacations".
In the end, the congressman explained that the Law 27360 is valid for 10 years and was made in a different time than the present one, managing its objective as agro-exports keep reaching records on amounts and foreign currency for the country, with a growth of 400% since then. Because of it, he underlines that "under no point of view is it admissible that there are second rate citizens that get less than the minimum vital payment".