Start campaign European glasshouse vegetables Germany
Starting signal
The signing of the contract on 13 February was the starting signal of the information campaign about glasshouse vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, peppers, aubergine, courgette, French beans, lettuce varieties, rucola, radish and seed vegetables. As cucumber, tomato and peppers are all in the top 5 of household purchases of fresh vegetables by German consumers, these are emphatically mentioned in the campaign.
The focus of the campaign is to convince the German consumer of the safe and healthy properties of glasshouse vegetables and the natural growth in the glasshouse. The level of knowledge in the German public opinion about glasshouse vegetables has been determined by persistently present prejudices and lack of information about the improvements which have taken place in the glasshouse vegetable sector over the last few years. More transparency, clarity and insight in the manner of production must result in a more positive picture of the foodstuff horticulture and in more goodwill.
The focus is on confidence as a basic message together with enjoyment.The target group is the German consumer with a clear focus towards families with children, in particular the mother. An extensive and for the target group important mix of means is being developed in order to reach the target group. Information is being offered via adverts, banners, facebook, but also via a website with reliable and in-depth information. Also modern means such as a QR-code are being used. The message is being offered to the target group by surprising stories illustrated by a clear motive. For this campaign an amount of 3,6 million euro has been set aside for the next three years.