Moroccan export competition.
The long cucumber traded between ninety and sixty cents, French cucumber has a first price of one Euro and forty cents and in final cuts one Euro and twenty cents, short black cucumber ranges from thirty Euro cents and ten Euro cents per kilo. The thin zucchini starts at eighty-five cents and ends auctions around seventy cents and fat zucchini ranges between eighty and sixty cents a kilo. Striped eggplant has
been at one Euro with fifty-five to five cents and auction at sixty cents, while the
Long eggplant was traded between forty and twenty cents a kilo. It should be noted the different eggplant qualities that are being featured, due to the overlap in the market of products, from crops that are in their final phase and those who are beginning to be collected.
The Italian green pepper has a first price of ninety cents and auctions at seventy cents. The Italian Red manages to stay this week at values ranging from eighty-five cents to sixty cents a kilo. The Lamuyo green pepper traded between thirty and ninety cents and the red Lamuyo ranges from one Euro with forty cents and one Euro a kilo. California green pepper, because of its scarcity, has the highest price ranging from forty to one Euro per kilo. The California red is traded between one Euro and twenty cents and one Euro per kilo, the yellow pepper variety ranges between ninety and sixty cents. The long life red tomato has first cuts of fifty-five cents and twenty cents auctions, tomato on the vine ranges between seventy and forty cents and ribbed tomatoes traded between eighty and thirty cents. Regarding green beans the values are very high as there is little production. Helda beans are at five Euro and auctions at three Euro and fifty cents per kilo, strike beans are traded between four and three Euro a kilo and emerite beans are at three Euro and ninety cents a kilo.
Source: Junta de Andalucia