The group of growers of Frutas Luna was increased again last year. "The Spanish horticulturists are getting a little tired of moving their product to and fro with the large auction houses and corporations. They want certainty and our manner of working with direct lines is what they appreciate" Kees Havenaar, the manager, says. "It is striking that from England there is a demand for annual programs and the growers of course are quite happy with that."
Difficult season
The cold weather in Spain has limited the supply of vegetables very much. Around Almeria it was cold and there was severe frost. That resulted in damage to the cultivation of courgettes, tomatoes and peppers, especially on the north side. Locally the growers were hurt by this" Kees says.
The limited supply caused an increase in price. At the moment the price of yellow peppers is in excess of 2 Euro and also the green and red peppers are more than one Euro. "The prices of aubergines, courgettes and cucumbers have decreased somewhat now, possibly as a result of the supply from the Netherlands" says Kees.
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