The value of intra-Community trade of fruits and vegetables until September 2011 stood at 19.044 million Euro, 4.2% less than the same period in 2010. Volume totalled 26.3 million tons, 4.1% more, which highlights the strong pressure on prices that is occurring in the Community fruit and vegetables market and consequently ineffective crisis management measures, according to FEPEX.
The average price of fruits and vegetables in the first three quarters of 2011 stood at 0.72 Euro/kilo compared to 0.78 Euro/kilo in the same period of 2010, reflecting a price decline of 8%.
By sub-sectors, the intra-Community trade of vegetable recorded an increase in volume of 10%, totalling 14.683 million tons, and a decline in the value of 6%, 8.905 million Euro. The average price of vegetables in the EU was reduced by 14%, from 0.70 Euro/kilo to 0.60 Euro/kilo. In fruits there was a stabilization of prices average at 0.87 Euro/kilo. The fruit volume marketed within the EU amounted to 11.641 million tons (-2%) and the value stood at 10.139 million Euro (-3%).
The intra-Community trade in fruit and vegetables reflects the exports and imports between the State members of the EU.
For FEPEX, data up to September 2011, which are the most up dated of the Bureau of Statistics of the EU, Eurostat, highlights the intense pressure on prices that the horticultural sector is suffering across the EU, threatening the profitability of farms.
The year 2011, according to FEPEX, has been characterized by the depth and frequency of seizures in all fruit and vegetable markets, highlighting the inadequacy of current measures for market crisis management and the priority of its reform, including the price entry system.
Source: Fepex