Since a mutual access to the market was agreed between China and Australia in May 2016, the Wanrong region in Shanxi has already exported several batches of Chinese nectarines. The Australian nectarine harvest has only recently begun but the Summerfruit Australia Association have now already dispatched their first exports to China by airfreight. Mr. Moore travelled to China to visit the iFresh Fruit and Vegetable Exhibition, to welcome the first batch of Australian nectarines on their arrival in China and to see, first hand, just how the Chinese consumer is responding to the quality of this fine Aussie fruit.
The promotional event on the morning of 17 November marks the first entry of the Australian nectarines onto the Chinese market. After Shanghai, Mr. Moore will also lead his team to Canton, Beijing and other places. Here he will discuss the import of Australian nectarines with more Chinese dealers.
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