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A.C.Hartman drill for geothermal heat at record depth

At glasshouse horticulturist Hartman in Friesland, drilling will be carried out next year for the construction of the, until now deepest geothermal heat source in the Netherlands. The plan is that the source at a depth of 3 kilometers, starts producing at the end of next year. A number of other Frisian growers and a few Frisian municipalities are thinking about investing in the building of heat nets.

The drilling installation as it will appear at grower Hartman shortly.
(Source: Ekwadraat) 

Horticulturist Hartman will use the water of 100 degrees centigrade, which will come from the spring, as a 'main supplier of Albert Heijn' by heating 28 HA of glasshouses of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The construction of the double installation will cost about 13 million Euro. In addition to the co-payment from the SDE+-jar in The Hague the cultivation company also hopes to receive 1 million Euro from the province of Friesland, but the discussions about the payment are still going on, according to entrepreneur Willem Hartman, who was speaking with Energeia. But also without the subsidy of the province, building of the source will continue, he assured. He is also in discussion with Essent, over whether or not the supplier of energy would want to have a minority share in the project. But these negotiations are still on going. Essent five years ago already invested in the heat electricity coupling installation of the company, Hartman explains.
Chairman Victor van Heekeren of Platform Geothermie confirms that the geothermal project of Hartman is the deepest geothermal source of the Netherlands at the moment. "At Greenwell in the Westland they go on average to 2,950 meter, but I am under the impression, that they pump the water from a little less deep." In other words this project is a few tens of meters above the depth on which Hartman works.

But he adds that of the 32 geothermal projects, which have applied for subsidy from the SDE+-jar, a few are even going deeper than the source of Hartman. Floraholland
the flower and plant auction house want to drill for heat to about a kilometer deeper, therefore almost four kilometers deep. According to Van Heekeren it is not certain yet, that all 32 projects will be realised. He expects that of all announced 32 projects finally 'between ten and twenty' will be realised. Furthermore there is also an application from a company Transmark to be allowed to drill for geothermal heat at a depth of four to six kilometers (with the intention to generate electricity), but this party did not apply for subsidy.

Durable firm of consultants Ekwadraat support the geothermal project of glasshouse horticulturist Hartman. Projectleader Adri Kuyper of Ekwadraat confirms that this is the first geothermal project in Friesland and that the water will be pumped up from the about 100 meter thick Slochteren-sandstone layer. A gas separating installation forms part of the project, as it is reckoned that when ready, with every cubic meter of warm water also a cubic meter of gas will come up. This gas can also be used in the company of Hartman for the generation of heat and electricity. Kuyper explains.
The permit from Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen (SODM) to Hartman as the operator of the source has been adjusted for this. The heat supplied by the water from the source will be used in the glasshouses as a basis. The WKK-installation remains necessary to take care of peaks.
When building the source lessons are being learned from all existing geothermal heat sources elsewhere in he country. As soon as the production well has been drilled a start will be made with the development of the well. "Immediately water will be pumped back into the ground, so that the bottom flow-through remains intact. In this way, as long as the injection well has not been built in this in 'between phase', filters in the drilling pipe will not become clogged up. Grower Hartman hopes to save 7 million cubic meter of natural gas with his geothermal heat source and the emission of CO2 by his company to decrease by more than 12,000 tons. As well as Hartman growers combination Gietwater Berlikum in Friesland is also thinking about a geothermal heat source, The three glasshouse horticulturists in the combination together have 26 HA of glasshouses. In addition, according to adviser Kuyper Ekwadraat Leeuwarden and Dongeradeel also consider investing in a geothermal heat source for building a heat net.
At Sexbierum in Friesland there are empty underground caves as well, because Esco (European Salt Company) worked there. The last ten years according to grower Hartman the soil subsided half a meter. But he is not worried that risks are the result of this for his geothermal project, also because Esco is no longer mining salt at Sexbierum in the meantime.
For more information:
Adri Kuyper
[email protected]

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