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Logfresh preservation technology extends the shelf life of plums

This is the peak period of the plum season. Plums are easily damaged by machinery during transportation and storage and in cold storage the plums often develop brown spots, while higher temperatures cause the plums to spoil. Proper harvest methods and storage technology preserves the fruit, which reduces fruit waste and extends the supply season. That is why fruit preservation is such an important aspect of the fruit trade. Manager Li of Shandong AWT Bio-tech recently talked about innovative plum preservation technology.

"The plum harvest usually takes place in warm weather. The fruit breathes vigorously and consumes nutrients at a high pace. That is why the fruit easily spoils. The temperature of plums needs to be brought down to 4-5℃ or less within 24 hours post-harvest. Only then can we prevent brown spots from developing and stop the plums from turning soft or spoiling. At the same time, we also need to inhibit the breathing process. We can not just rely on the lower temperature to keep the fruit fresh," said manager Li.

"In order to solve this problem, we developed the Logfresh post-harvest preservation injection. This product can quickly and effectively slow down the breathing process in plums. Not only is this product quickly effective, but it also meets the requirements for long-term storage and keeps the original color of the plum, as well as its fragrance and nutrients."

"The Logfresh preservation card and solid slow-release packet make use of the plum's sensitivity to ethylene. These products slowly release chemical elements that bind with the ethylene receptors in the cells of the plums, thus inhibiting the effects of the ethylene in plums and in their immediate environment. This slows down the breathing process and postpones the physiological processes that are set in motion by ethylene. This greatly improves the preservation of fruit in storage," said manager Li.

"The active elements bind with ethylene receptors and this process is irreversible. If this takes place within 12 hours after the plum is harvested, then the effect will last throughout long-term storage and keep the plums fresh for 1.5-3 times longer than normal."

Plums kept at 0-1℃ and 90% humidity for 56 days with Logfresh preservation technology (left) and without (right)

"During experimental tests we discovered that plums without preservation treatment had completely ripened and had begun to rot. Some plums even started to mold. The plums that had been treated were still firm and their flavor was excellent," said manager Li.

In addition to the Logfresh preservation card and slow-release packet, Shandong AWT Bio-tech also developed fumigation technology to keep fruit fresh. This treatment can be applied in cold storage or during transport in refrigerated containers. The operation process is quite simple. The active elements are dispersed in the air to reach every corner, which effectively treats the plums.

Shandong AWT Bio-tech was established in 1996. The company has nearly 30 years of experience in the research and development of preservation technology. They work together with research institutes in China as well as the University of California Davis and the US Agricultural Department Research Center Pacific West Area. The company sells preservation products in Argentine, Mexico, New Zealand, Ecuador, Kenya, Pakistan, India, Turkey, and Serbia.

For more information:

Wang - Manager

Shandong AWT Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

WhatsApp: +86 18615225880 

WeChat: +8618615220175 

E-mail: [email protected] 


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