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Michiel Geraedts joins, Dammis van der Staay chooses new advisory role:

Changes in Staay Food Group's management

Michiel Geraedts has joined the Staay Food Group's management. This move continues the rejuvenation process that began two years ago.

Michiel (45) joined Staay Food Group as the branch manager of Staay Food Group Venlo in the Netherlands in 2021. This branch focuses on German food service, retail, and wholesale sector customers. Michiel successfully reorganized this branch in just two years.

"I'm very proud of what our Venlo team and we've achieved, and I'm ambitiously and enthusiastically looking forward to my Staay Food Group management role," says Michiel. Along with being a director, he will keep managing the Staay Food Group Venlo branch.

Dammis van der Staay (70) will step back from daily management and assume a more advisory role within that management team. He has been active in the company his father founded in 1946 since the 1960s.

"I'm satisfied with how the group management steered the company recently. I'm confident about the future and think this is a good time for me to step back from the daily running of our family business," he explains. Dammis will remain part of the management team in an advisory capacity.

The group management now comprises Matthijs Vlasblom, Rien Panneman, Michiel Geraedts, Wim van der Staay, Joop Vernooij, and Dammis van der Staay.

For more information:
Mark Loojenga
Staay Food Group
Tel.: +31 (0) 613 808 981
[email protected]

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