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AHEIA rebrands to Australian Horticulture Trade

Australian Horticulture Trade is the new name for the organisation representing Australian importers, exporters, growers and packers of fresh products involved in international trade

The Australian Horticultural Exporters’ and Importers’ Association has announced it will rebrand to Australian Horticulture Trade (AHT). The national association was formed to promote, advocate and enhance the trade of horticultural produce into and out of Australia.

AHT chief executive Lesley Shield said while the name of the organisation may have changed, its purpose has not, and the rebrand is part of a renewed effort to deliver the best representation possible for the Australian horticultural trade.

“Our members grow, pack, export and import a cross section of horticultural products, including flowers. We find that exports have similar issues as imports and when we resolve an issue for one member and product, we resolve the issue for many,” said Shield.

The new name was announced at the association’s AGM and industry forum, which was held in Melbourne on 12 October.

The forum saw a line-up of speakers deliver presentations and answer questions on a range of operational issues in the horticulture trade.

The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forest’s plant import and export operations, the Freight & Trade Alliance and Australian Peak Shippers’ Association, Hort Innovation, Fresh Intelligence and Steritech were among the presenters.

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