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Onion harvest begins in Batken Region, Kyrgyzstan

In the rural area of Kulundu, located in the Batken region, Ramazan Sharabidin has started harvesting this year's crop of early-ripening onions. Every year, Ramazan plants onions on his land, and this year he anticipates a higher yield due to the relatively mild winter. In previous years, he harvested 35–40 tons of onions from half a hectare of land. Given the favourable weather conditions, he expects an increase of 20–25 tons and anticipates making a good profit

His onions are sold in the district markets and shipped to the cities of Bishkek and Osh.

Additionally, Kulundu's climate allows for two harvests a year. Local farmers plan to export 3,500 tons of fresh onions, harvested from approximately 200 hectares, to neighbouring countries this year. Last year, they sold onions at 0.34 –0.46 euros per kilogram.


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