The export value of pineapples from Johor, since the beginning of the year, has reached RM1 billion. According to Johor Agriculture, Agro-based Industry and Rural Development Committee chairman Datuk Zahari Sarip, this concerned a total production of 217 tons. That latest figure exceeds the value of exports for last year, which was approximately RM600 million.
“This is to expand the export potential of pineapples, especially to European countries,” said Zahari to reporters after being presented with the first batch of MD2 pineapples to be exported Germany at the Kulim Pineapple Farm in Ulu Tiram.
The event was organised by the Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board where Kulim (M) Berhad has been appointed as the distributor to export pineapples to Germany before being marketed to five other countries in Europe.
[ RM1 = €0.21 ]