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Apeel's second pillar designed to enhance retail profitability

Building on the momentum of its new initiative, "The Apeel Leverage," Apeel Sciences has launched the second pillar: "Helping You Sell More." Apeel's technologies are designed to enhance retail profitability and consumer satisfaction through its plant-based coating that extends the shelf life of produce while reducing the frequency of restocks and spoilage, creating more sellable fruit.

"We're showcasing how suppliers and retailers can enhance the management of their produce," said Denise Junqueiro, vice president, commercial & marketing. "Highlighting this pillar communicates that our partners can maintain a fresh produce inventory longer, resulting in a reduction of shrink or dehydration while enhancing their capabilities to sell more fruit."

With Apeel-treated produce, suppliers can reduce dehydration and maintain strong product quality upon arrival.

With Apeel-treated produce seeing an extended shelf life, suppliers can reduce dehydration and maintain strong quality upon arrival, leading to fewer repacks and better marketability. This technology ensures that produce reaches retailers in optimal condition, improving the overall quality of their offerings. The technology also fits into existing operations, allowing suppliers to enhance their storage without additional investment in new packaging, space, or equipment.

For retailers, this means a significant reduction in shrink, a common challenge in the produce industry. This improved shelf life and storage capability ensures that produce remains fresh and delicious, increasing consumer trust and driving repeat purchases.

"By reducing the operational challenges associated with managing fresh inventory through the supply chain, our partners can focus more on customer satisfaction and less on logistics," Junqueiro adds. "Our technologies also benefit the entire supply chain, from farm to table."

The first pillar, "Expand offerings with confidence", was launched two weeks ago.

For more information:
Mark Carmel
Apeel Sciences
[email protected]

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