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Japanese market embraces RubyRed kiwis

Japanese consumers have begun consuming RubyRed, a new kiwifruit variant developed by Zespri, aimed at enhancing mood and wellbeing. According to Zespri, the red coloration of the fruit is due to naturally occurring pigments, with research indicating the presence of anthocyanins that may bolster mood and wellbeing. Alongside RubyRed, the SunGold variant is also prepared for harvest, marking a potentially improved season for the kiwifruit industry after several challenging years.

Dan Mathieson, Zespri's chief executive officer, commented on the industry's positive outlook, citing a more stable growing environment compared to previous seasons affected by Covid-19, labor shortages in 2022, and adverse weather events in 2023.

Zespri's initial charter shipment of the season, carrying 700,000 trays of gold kiwifruit and 15 containers of ruby red, departed from the Port of Tauranga in March for Shanghai. Mathieson emphasized the importance of delivering high-quality fruit consistently throughout the season to ensure early sales opportunities and minimize late-season quality issues.


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