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Aril-extracting technology: watch the video!

Pomegranates - an increasingly "automated" fruit

Pomegranate arils are increasingly in demand but, in order for the chain to be sustainable, processes need to be mechanized. "Extracting arils mechanically is now possible thanks to a Futura machine, which is a sturdy yet simple solution," explains Andrea Vitali from CSA Technologies.

"It's small, easy to use and silent, and can process between 250 and 350 pomegranates an hour. It is loaded manually: you put wedges in and the arils come out. It is perfect for fresh-cut products suitable for the big retail chain."

"We design and produce machines for the agrifood industry. Our tools can extract arils from pomegranate in a simple and silent way."

'Futura' machines are made of aisi 304 stainless steel and can process between 100 and 1000 kg/h of fruit. Thanks to its innovative mechanism, this specific Futura machine used can separate arils from the peel and membranes.

The intact arils can then be sold on the market as a fresh-cut product.

"Futura machines can be washed and sanitized quickly as the components are easy to disassemble. All machines are patented and can be customized when it comes to loading, washing, weighing, metal detector, packaging and labelling."

For further information:
Csa Technologies
via Valleambrosia 7
20089 Rozzano (Mi)
Andrea Vitali
+39 391.4565032
[email protected]