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Rain and wind storm causes damage to berries, citrus and subtropical fruits in western Andalusia

Agroseguro has reported that storm Bernard, which hit Andalusia on October 22 with heavy rains and winds that reached 100 kilometers per hour in some municipalities in the provinces of Huelva, Seville and Cadiz, has caused significant damage to various crops.

Although it is still early to make assessments, Agroseguro has already started to receive damage reports. Sources from the entity said to Efeagro that berries are the most affected crops, due to the damages caused to infrastructure.

More than 3,000 plots have already reported damages, said the territorial director of Agroseguro in Andalusia, Juan Francisco Delgado, who assured that the production will also be damaged, as blueberries and raspberries were already in an advanced stage of development.

Significant damage is also expected in subtropical crops, such as avocados, especially in Cadiz and the westernmost part of Malaga.

Agroseguro added that the rains and wind have also had a negative impact on the citrus productions, which still need time to develop.


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